Super Bowl 2014 Moments


At the moment of broadcast in January 2014, there are 1.7 million viewers and mentions about Super Bowl.


In 2014, Super Bowl has a record of 112.2 million viewers, proving the success of the game itself and the impact of social media on advertising. Super Bowl stops being about the game a long time ago. It’s about the ads, the halftime show, the social media reaction.
Now, more than 24.9 million tweets about the game, 24.1 tweets were sent last year. Living in the midst of social media revolution, the ads agencies survive by getting more creative while followed the needs of the norms. 57% of the ads featured hashtags. Television era is long gone. iPad, smartphone news screening are increasing in numbers of users. They are productive, convenient and the most important fact – sharing. While people receive information one sided way using TV, social media let people connect and interact with each other, between business and customers. As a matter of fact, social media make the wall between people and people thinner.

Keep in mind that there are several social media platforms that are popular and are ready to use. Which one do you think that is the most used in Super Bowl 2014? Facebook? Since it’s the most generated users in the world right now with more than 7 billions?


So, not all social media sites that are popular are ready to use. Super Bowl is a game play ground. Everything needs to be short, straightforward and got to the point.

These are the most used tweeted words during the big game in 2014


The most favorable moments of Super Bowl moments are:
1. The heartbreaker: heart broken kid
2. The fur coat:
3. The big winner:
4. The apology: JC Penny’s tweets during the game had confused a lot of people. Later, the company sent out an apology for misspelling. Yikes.
5. The oops: CBS accidentally aired its Wi-Fi access passwords

It was a fun experience watching Super Bowl. Social media comes to spread the news and experience, both positively and negatively. So, beware folks. It is an open world now. Everything is public.


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